"Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived. After all Number One (Cmdr. William T. Riker), we're only mortals" (Captain Jean-Luc Picard, NCC-1701D, U.S.S. Enterprise - Star Trek VII - Generations)

2010. október 23., szombat

Egy mondolat....

149 (szaznegyvenkilenc) drb. papirt kellett ma alairnom cegugyben. Most jovok ra arra, hogy mennyire hasznos volt a tizedik osztalyos infoora, amikor egesz oran az alairasom gyakoroltam a fuzet hatara, es sot mitobb, Balint Feri meg is szolitott egyszer ezert. Hidegen, de nagyon komolyan azt valaszoltam ra neki akkor: "Tanar ur, ez a gyakorlas egyszer majd nagyon jol fog jonni nekem"

2010. július 12., hétfő

What about this....

Crazy crazy crazy Gellertke.. But hey... These things... The Happen.. :P

2010. június 29., kedd

A brief history... Of myself :)

I considered these pictures so nice, that I thoght everybody should see them.. and of course they should get a glimpse of my roots and my origins :)
More pictures to come as they will be digged out from the dusted pages of history :P

My great-grandfather on the right, Benedek Nagy János, as a soldier of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, photo taken during World War I, in Prague, year 1915. He is still Missing In Action, never returned from the frontline.

My great-grandmother, Buna Kata, and my great-grandfather, Géczi György, on their wedding day. Soon after this picture was taken, my great grandfather departed to war.

And my great-grandfather again, Géczi György, on the left, as a soldier of the Austro-Hungarian Army, photo taken in 1915, possible location Prague, and sent home as a postcard on the 15th of march, 1915. He was Killed In Action on the 19th of july 1915. And listen to this! Cigarette killed him! He was smoking in the trenches, and an enemy sniper spotted the light of his burning cigarr. He was shot dead. Smoking really kills guys!!!

My grandfather, Géczi Márton, son of Géczi György, date unknown, probably the 1940's.

And another great-grandfather in this picture, Csabai György, on the frontlines of World War I, the soldier with the mustache on the far right, with the bottle in his hand. He did returned from the war, though he was wounded on his head by a bullet.

Csabai György's wife, Dávid Ilona, my great-grandmother, date unknown. The photo is displayed is Négyfalu's ethnographic museum.

Here's a picture of my great-grandfather, Vajda János, the singer guy standing in the middle, nicknamed "Duczuj Vajda" because of his small but serious stature. Photo taken in the front of the barn gate, in the 1910's.

My grandmother, Csabai Róza, daughter of Csabai György and Dávid Ilona, photo taken in the 1940's.

Vajda János Jr., son of Vajda János Sr. and Sandi Anna, husband of Csabai Róza, in his firefighter's uniform. Date unknown, probably the late 30's

And my grandmother again, Csabai Róza, on the right, with one of her girlfriend, photo taken in 1944.

And here is the Vajda family, with my great-grandmother Sandi Anna, and her husband Vajda János Sr., photo taken in the 1910's, in the front of their barn gate. The location still exist today. And the little boy in the right is my grandfather, Vajda János Jr. :) Njoy! :P

2010. június 6., vasárnap

A quote... Again :)

You know, the funny thing is that on the outside, I was an honest man... Straight as an arrow... I had to come to prison to be a crook... (The Shawshank Redemption)

2010. május 22., szombat

2010. május 19., szerda

A quote from my past...

Here it is, probably one of my most famous quotes ever:



(With graceful thanks to all Cantina employees and management in 2005 and 2008, guys.. as I told to somebody earlier.. I'we had THE TIME OF MY LIFE there.. Love ya all.. See yaa soon :D )

2010. május 16., vasárnap

A ket lusta... :P

A Kojmi (ahogy Zsuzska mondja), azaz a Kormos, es a Szoszi.....